Photo of Julio Montaner United States

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Julio Montaner was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduated from the University of Buenos Aires with a master of architecture.
Moved to Miami, He started to study with a well-known artist, Baruj Salinas.
Drawing was an instrument to show up his concepts on his earliest work. From Architecture gradually moved toward abstract expressions. His works resemble spaces where color, form, and texture become a principal theme....

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See everything we offer you!
14.96 x 22.05 in
14.57 x 22.05 in
22.05 x 29.53 in
14.96 x 22.05 in

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Photo of Julio Montaner United States

Julio Montaner was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduated from the University of Buenos Aires with a master of architecture.
Moved to Miami, He started to study with a well-known artist, Baruj Salinas.
Drawing was an instrument to show up his concepts on his earliest work. From Architecture gradually moved toward abstract expressions. His works resemble spaces where color, form, and texture become a principal theme. His work is an open flow between the visual perception from the deep interior artist soul to the interrelation with the painting process.

Julio Montaner nació en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires con el titulo de Arquitecto.
En Miami, comenzó a estudiar con el reconocido maestro Baruj Salinas.
El dibujo fue el instrumento para mostrar sus conceptos en sus primeros trabajos. Desde la Arquitectura gradualmente se fu moviendo hacia un expresionismo abstracto. Sus trabajos muestran espacios donde el color, la forma y la textura son el principal tema de la composición. Su trabajo es como un fluir abierto entre la percepción visual entre el interior profundo del artista y el dialogo generado con su pintura.

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